2 min readFeb 7, 2021

Florida SouthWestern state college was not always the name the school held. Founded in 1962 as a junior college, FSW was named after Thomas Edison. It was later upgraded to a community college in 1990, and that continued until becoming a state college in 1992. Then tragedy struck, the Edison name was already under copyright from a school in New Jersey, and they were forced to change to FSW. They may have changed the name, but Thomas Edison’s statues stayed around to welcome you into the school. Edison had a winter home in Fort Myers, so the main campus was also placed there. He welcomes with a stern face and a silver ball in his hand. This is to represent looking at a problem from all angles. The statue is taller than the typical person by around afoot. He overlooks with bearing eyes that aren’t of evil intent but serious like he is concentrated. Thomas Edison was a great man with a name of science and innovation. The school’s intention to name itself after him was to hopefully inspire the story and teach a new generation of people who can think and innovate like him. Every time people park and walk into class, they can see this statue and be reminded of who they can be with enough time and effort put in. The full round sculpture stands by itself in solidarity to represent the strength one person can have.

Lee Campus

